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4/13/2022  SAN Celebrates Arts, Culture & Creativity Month

Established to enhance customer service, the SAN Arts Program exhibits artwork and presents programs that engage travelers in innovative, memorable, and considerate ways. This month, SAN joins the statewide effort to enhance, educate, and activate arts awareness within our community during Arts, Culture & Creativity month, created by the nonprofit organization Californians for the Arts.

4/12/2022  Come Work at the Airport!

San Diego International Airport (SAN) employs more than 7,000 people in the San Diego area. Some of those jobs include positions with the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Airport Authority), which owns and operates SAN, but most of the jobs are through the airport’s concessionaire partners. Airport concessionaires make up the various food and beverage, gift and news, relaxation, and lounge options inside the airport.

3/28/2022  The Women of the Airport Authority Reflect on Women’s History Month

In 1987, the National Women’s History Project successfully petitioned Congress to expand the National Women’s History Week through the entire month of March. Since then, women’s accomplishments and contributions are celebrated and recognized every year during March across the United States. 

3/24/2022  Spotlight on the Women of the Airport Authority Board of Directors

During Women’s History Month, we wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge the women who make up the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority’s Board of Directors. 

3/23/2022  Spring Break is here! Check out these travel tips from SAN

Spring has sprung, and construction is in full bloom at
San Diego International Airport (SAN) as work continues with the New T1. 

3/21/2022  What’s behind the wall?

When a new shop or restaurant is being built at SAN, a white “barricade wall” is installed over the storefront. Here at SAN, we think what's on the wall is just as important as what's behind the wall. 

3/7/2022  Shining a Light on SAN’s New Beacon

SAN has a new beacon shining bright on our runway. The newly installed beacon replaces an older beacon that was in service for 30 years. 

2/24/2022  SAN Celebrates Black History Month

February is Black History Month and to commemorate this annual time of reflection, we reached out to a few of our African American Airport Authority team members who represent SAN daily by interfacing with our customers and behind-the-scenes in business and operations. 

2/16/2022  And the winners are…

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Airport Authority) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Fly Quiet Awards, which recognizes airlines for their efforts to reduce noise during arrivals and departures at San Diego International Airport (SAN). 

2/14/2022  The Quieter Home Program Begins Work on a New Project

San Diego International Airport (SAN) is in the middle of bustling downtown San Diego. So it’s no surprise that due to its location, many residential, office buildings, schools, and community use buildings are within a few miles of the airport. If you’ve ever walked around downtown or enjoyed the open shopping and amenities at Liberty Station, you know airplanes fly overhead quite often on the way to SAN. These moments often call for a pause in conversation until the noise has passed…we locals call it the “Point Loma Pause.”
